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About us


March 6, 2019
The First Coordination Meeting of the Founders
Saman Reinsurance Company is established by Saman Financial Group for reinsurance purposes in the insurance industry. The inaugural coordination session of the founders of Saman Reinsurance Company was held on December 15th, 2018 during which the names of the founding shareholders and the percentage of each shareholder's capital were approved. In that session, the company's capital was set at 2,500 billion Rials, and it was decided that 50% of it would be in cash, with the remaining amount to be paid by the shareholders as commitments within a maximum period of two years.
March 6, 2019
December 30, 2019
Approval of the comprehensive operational plan by the High Insurance Council
On December 30, 2019, the comprehensive operational plan was approved by the Supreme Insurance Council.
December 30, 2019
February 8, 2020 to February 24, 2020
50% of the company's capital deposited in cash by the founders
Subsequently, 50% of the company's capital was paid in cash by the founders from February 8th 2020 to February 24, 2020, using the order registration method, and the amount was deposited into the company's account.
February 8, 2020 to February 24, 2020
May 4, 2020
Obtaining Preliminary Approval
On May 4, 2020, preliminary approval with number 99/602/11764 was obtained from the Central Insurance of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
May 4, 2020
November 21, 2020
The company's subscription announcement
The company's subscription announcement was issued on on November 21, 2020 by Securities and Exchange Organization of Iran.
November 21, 2020
December 27, 2020
Confirmation and Deposit Certificate of 50% of The Total Capital
After completing the subscription process, the confirmation and deposit certificate of 50% of the total capital amounting to 1,250 billion Rials was received from Bank Saman on December 27, 2020.
December 27, 2020
August 10, 2021
The General Assembly of Founders
On August 10, 2021, the General Assembly of Founders was held.
August 10, 2021
February 2, 2022
Completion of the establishment formalities of the company
Finally, on February 2, 2022, the establishment formalities of the company were completed. The company was officially established with registration number 591326 and national ID 140107474485 in the Office of Companies and Non-commercial Institutions of Tehran.
February 2, 2022
March 16, 2022
The Issuance of the Company's Operating License
Ultimately, the company's operating license was issued and communicated by the Central Insurance on March 16, 2022.
March 16, 2022
October 22, 2023
Completion of Capital Registration of 2,500 billion Rials
On October 22, 2023, the payment of the unpaid capital amount of 2,500 billion rials of the company (the second 50 percent) was completed and registered.
October 22, 2023